日本財団 図書館


continued in form of "S".


Moreover, unless an easement curve is prepared, sudden tilting may occur.


In the case of the new Sprinter, the head car is also a passenger car. In addition, there are many sharply curved lines continued in form of "S" in the SRT Northern Line. Moreover, though an easement curve is almost prepared for the present SRT Northern Line, the easement curve may not properly be formed when improving a curve. Therefore, the natural body tilting system with control is preferable. (See Fig. 4.2-2.)


(5) Maintenance of new Sprinter


When comparing the new Sprinter with the existing Sprinter from the viewpoint of structure, a large difference is only the pendulum mechanism.


The pendulum mechanism, as shown in Figs. 4.2-2 and 4.2-3, consists of a support system for receiving a body, a hydraulic cylinder for tilting, and a "command controller" and "tilt controller" for storing curve data and outputting a tilt command.


It is estimated that these pieces of equipment can be maintained by the existing maintenance equipment and techniques of SRT for mechanical parts.


The "command controller" and "tilt controller" may be basically maintenance-free because they are electronic units using a microcomputer.






